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About Student centre Zagreb

Student Centre Zagreb was founded in 1957 and now is a multi-functional space in the heart of the city. SC works on improving student living standard on all levels and in cultural activities, through its Department of culture - it organises and produces shows, performances, conferences and workshops in the fields of music, film, visual arts, theatre. The main goal of SC is to create innovative, economic and educational frameworks of cultural production in order to influence cultural practices in Croatia and internationally. Theatre production is manifested in SC’s own theatre - Teatar &TD, founded in the 1960’s, as the opposition to the classical theatres. &TD is not limited by genres and stylistic criteria, which opens up the possibility of establishing new production aesthetics and contemporary forms of co-production, post production and collaboration.

Zadnja izmjena: 18. Siječanj 2022. u 13:10

Kultura promjene


24. Svibanj 2019.
Petak u 20:00
MM Centar

Uvodni komentar/projekcija video radova/razgovor uz prisustvo autorice Helene Schultheis Edgeler.

Program počinje u 20:00, a ulaz je besplatan.


The Man Without a Naval Yet Lives in Me (2002/04), zvuk, c/b, 4.40 min.,

režija: Helena Schultheis Edgeler i Azra Svedružić

Dawn Before Sunrise (2010.), zvuk, boja, 5.20 min.

režija: Helena Schultheis Edgeler

Tesseract/Somnium (2012.), zvuk, boja, 12.11 min.

režija: Helena Schultheis Edgeler

Dvanaest (2015.), zvuk, boja, 7.44 – video je posvećen Ivanu Ladislavu Galeti

režija: Helena Schultheis Edgeler

Helena Schultheis Edgeler (1972.),  diplomirala je na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu. Studirala je na Rietveldacademie u Nizozemskoj, a magistrirala na Institut Voor Schilderkunst u Amsterdamu. Od 1989. nadalje ostvarila je produktivnu karijeru na području eksperimentalnog videa i radovi su joj predstavljeni na brojnim festivalima u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu. Trenutno radi kao docentica na Fakultetu za tekstilnu tehnologiju u Zagrebu. Osebujnost njezina rada temelji se na medijskim istraživanjima kao i na filozofskim, znanstvenim i umjetničkim postulatima.