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About Student centre Zagreb

Student Centre Zagreb was founded in 1957 and now is a multi-functional space in the heart of the city. SC works on improving student living standard on all levels and in cultural activities, through its Department of culture - it organises and produces shows, performances, conferences and workshops in the fields of music, film, visual arts, theatre. The main goal of SC is to create innovative, economic and educational frameworks of cultural production in order to influence cultural practices in Croatia and internationally. Theatre production is manifested in SC’s own theatre - Teatar &TD, founded in the 1960’s, as the opposition to the classical theatres. &TD is not limited by genres and stylistic criteria, which opens up the possibility of establishing new production aesthetics and contemporary forms of co-production, post production and collaboration.

Zadnja izmjena: 18. Siječanj 2022. u 13:10

Kultura promjene

IMPROSPEKCIJE - Karczag / Crickmay / Hallett: Promenade 7 - THEATRE OF MEMORY

25. Studeni 2018.
Nedjelja u 14:00
Galerija SC — 0kn

25. 11., 14:00 - 21:00, Galerija SC, ulaz besplatan

Stigli smo do točke u našem radu koja traži pogled unatrag na ono što smo dosad napravili. Sve izvedbe Promenade određene su mjestom na kojem se izvode i potpuno su improvizirane. Uključuju interakciju s predmetima i slikama, improviziranim zvučnim  krajolicima i publikom, koja je pozvana doći i otići kada želi. Ovim radom želimo stvoriti osjećaj prostranstva – u kojem ima dovoljno mjesta da se stvari razviju kako i kada žele, te u kojem se publika može prepustiti i sanjariti.

Publika je pozvana ući i izaći bilo kada u vremenu od 14:00 do 21:00.
Jednosatne izvedbe  smjenjivat će se s video instalacijama i projekcijama dosadašnjih izvedbi.