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About Student centre Zagreb

Student Centre Zagreb was founded in 1957 and now is a multi-functional space in the heart of the city. SC works on improving student living standard on all levels and in cultural activities, through its Department of culture - it organises and produces shows, performances, conferences and workshops in the fields of music, film, visual arts, theatre. The main goal of SC is to create innovative, economic and educational frameworks of cultural production in order to influence cultural practices in Croatia and internationally. Theatre production is manifested in SC’s own theatre - Teatar &TD, founded in the 1960’s, as the opposition to the classical theatres. &TD is not limited by genres and stylistic criteria, which opens up the possibility of establishing new production aesthetics and contemporary forms of co-production, post production and collaboration.

Zadnja izmjena: 18. Siječanj 2022. u 13:10

Kultura promjene

Mobility festival - ESN Zagreb

26. Siječanj 2023.
Četvrtak u 10:00
Dvorana Pauk

"Čuo si za Erasmus ili Work and travel? Uvijek ti je tu nekako negdje, ali nemaš pojma što, gdje i kada? Frendovi s faksa pričaju kako im je nezaboravno bilo u Španjolskoj ili Češkoj, pa bi sad i ti htio probati? Zanimaju te drugačije kulture i htio bi iskusiti nešto novo u životu?

Ne čekaj ni trenutka više, sve je pripremljeno za tebe, samo se moraš pojaviti na našem Sajmu mobilnosti gdje ćeš saznati koje sve prilike postoje, gdje možeš otputovati i što ti sve treba za prijavu, poslušati tuđa iskustva s razmjene i usput se zasladiti zahvaljujući našim sponzorima!"

 Vidimo se u dvorani Pauk (SD Stjepan Radić, Jarunska 2) 26. siječnja u 10:00. Ulaz besplatan.