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About Student centre Zagreb

Student Centre Zagreb was founded in 1957 and now is a multi-functional space in the heart of the city. SC works on improving student living standard on all levels and in cultural activities, through its Department of culture - it organises and produces shows, performances, conferences and workshops in the fields of music, film, visual arts, theatre. The main goal of SC is to create innovative, economic and educational frameworks of cultural production in order to influence cultural practices in Croatia and internationally. Theatre production is manifested in SC’s own theatre - Teatar &TD, founded in the 1960’s, as the opposition to the classical theatres. &TD is not limited by genres and stylistic criteria, which opens up the possibility of establishing new production aesthetics and contemporary forms of co-production, post production and collaboration.

Zadnja izmjena: 18. Siječanj 2022. u 13:10

Kultura promjene

2. dan Velesajma kulture br.8

16. Prosinac 2011.
Petak u 15:00
SC - Savska 25 — o kuna

PETAK, 16.12

15-16.30 sati /prezentacija “Zašto bicikl i biciklistički bon-ton” /predavanje „Klimatske promjene i bicikl“@ MM centar

Predavači: Dario Polančec /Iris Jeričević

Riječ je o prezentaciji koja će prikazati prednosti bicikliranja, odgovoriti na pitanja zašto koristiti bicikl kao prijevozno sredstvo, podsjetiti  na ljubav prema pedaliranju koja je svima usađena od ranog djetinstva, pojasniti kako, vozeći bicikl, podići kvalitetu života te prikazati kako je bicikl zahvalniji odabir u odnosu na automobil za vožnju gradom poput Zagreba. Drugi dio predavanja obuhvatit će što sve moramo znati kako bi mogli poštivati ostale sudionke u prometu i biti primjer ostalima. Također će biti riječi kako se zaštiti od potencijalnih opasnih situacija.

17 -20  sati /Radionica fizičkog sučelja Teremin i Teremidi @ MM centar

Teremin (prvotno nazvan eterofon,tereminofon ili termenvox/tereminvox) jedan je od najranijih elektronskih instrumenata. Patentirao ga je Rus Lev Sergeyevich Termen 1928. godine, a posebnost teremina je u tome da je to možda i jedini glazbeni instrument koji se svira bez doticanja. Sastoji se od dva radijska oscilatora i dvije antene. Teremin se svira tako da glazbenik pomiče svoje ruke oko dviju antena te na taj način regulira glasnoću i visinu tona. Teremidi je prošireni sklop koji koristi Arduino mikro kontroler kako bi teremin povezao s kompjuterom ili s postojećim MIDI glazbenim instrumentom.

Radionica je namijenjena i novorođenima i stručnjacima. Vodi Borut Savski, a pomažu Robertina Šebjanić i članovi ljubljanskog Theremin Orchestra.

17-18 sati / O MM 3 / VHS VIDEO VEČER /Arhiva MM centra

Sjećate se VHS-a? Imate li još  negdje VHS po ladicama? Vlastitu snimku? Ili neki vama drag film? Ili snimljena TV emisija, dječja predstava u kojoj glumite? Ili… tko zna što smo već tada gledali…

Ako imate nešto tako na VHS kazeti i niste odavno pogledali, sad je prilika!

Projekt O MM vas poziva na prvu VHS VIDEO VEČER!

Donesite i podijelite s nama vaše omiljene VHS snimke uz prethodan uvod zašto baš tu snimku želite podijeliti je li ta snimka za vas umjetničko djelo ili nije!

Prijeve na ommprojekt@gmail.com.

17-22 sata/  MODNI  SALON @ foyer &TD

organizatorica: Ivana Biočina i Goran Jovanović

Modni salon je dvodnevni događaj na kojem će desetak najzanimljivijih mladih hrvatskih modnih dizajnera dobiti priliku predstaviti svoj rad. Izaberite svoj primjerak odjeće ili modnih dodataka te podržite mlade dizajnere

19 sati / Promocija knjige Anđela Jurkasa "Soundtrack života" @ Cafee &TD

“Iznimno originalan i zanimljiv koncept knjige, a nadasve zabavna i čitka realizacija…Mislim da u poplavi self help literature još nitko nikada nije toliko originalno i zabavno ponudio praktična rješenja kako zaista poboljšati svoj život spojivši pop kulturu i glazbu na praktični način s idejom poboljšanja života…” - Hrvoje Marjanović, producent, kolumnist

19.30 /filmski program: XX / predstavljanje hrvatskih mladih autorica @MM centar

Urednik programa:Luka Kosmat

Program je zamišljen kao predstavljanje hrvatskih mladih autorica, od kojih su se neke već afirmirale na domaćim i inozemnim filmskim festivalima, poput Dalije Dozet, Nede Radić, Sonje Tarokić, Hane Jusić, Lucije Mrzljak, Antonije Putić i  drugih.. U filmu kao dominantno muškom svijetu, fenomen pojave iznimno nadarenih autorica zaslužio je priliku za pregled njihovih dosadašnjih radova. Iako se ne može govoriti o stilskom ili tematskom zajedništvu njihovih filmova, u njima se isprepliću problemi suvremene situacije društva u cijelosti - pozicija žene i mogućnost samoostvarenja u tradicionalnoj sredini, problematiziranje romantičnih odnosa, senzibilizacija okoline o problemima manjina u Hrvatskoj.

"IV Towers" Tea Stražičić
"O snu" "Ptič" Lucija Mrzljak
izbor iz radova Petre Zlonoga

"Zimica" Hana Jušić

"Kurvo"Sonja Tarokić

"Pametnice" S.Tarokić i H. Jušić

"Ne znaš ljubiti, ne znaš mrziti, ni ubiti ne bi znala"
"Bijes jede dušu"
Janja Pilić

"Mama "
Ivana Škrabalo

„Mi na suncu“, „Room service“ 
Neda Radić

20 sati / Predstava: Ana Catarina Vieira, Angelo Madureira: Nafta @ &TD Velika

Izvođači: Jorge Correa Bethencourt, Vladimir Ježić, Marko Kalc, Tanja Kalčić, Martina Rukavina i Nives Soldičić / Glazbu i zvuk:  Josip Maršić i Zoran Medved / Dizajn svjetla: Juliana Augusta Vieira i Saša Fistrić / Kostimografija: Jasna Bajlo / Dizajn: André von Ah / Projektna ideja: Zvonimir Dobrović, Velid Đekić i Davor Mišković / Produkcija: Perforacije, Drugo more

U vrijeme, ekonomskih kriza kao što je ova, kojoj kraj vide samo mešetari ljudskim sudbinama i glasovima, a neće joj,nažalost, pomoći niti dvostruko dno, ekonomija je druga po važnosti ‘ona riječ’. Prva je, naravno, još uvijek, ali u sve većoj panici, nafta. Ona je svjetska tema pa je i predstava, koju u koprodukciji festivala Perforacije i riječke udruge Drugo more, zaslužila tako zvučno ime. Riječ je o projektu brazilskih koreografa Ane Catarine Vieire i Angela Madureire temeljenog na povijesnim referencama, poput već pomalo zaboravljene priče o riječkoj rafineriji, preko kojih se bave temama ekonomije i ekologije, na razmeđi kojih stoji ponekad i puko preživljavanje. Uronjenost u kontekst, na čemu inzistira ova koprodukcija, povezuje iskusne brazilske umjetnike sa skupinom pet suvremenih plesača iz Rijeke.

21.30 /koncert: Žen & Olovni ples @ &TD mala

Grupa Žen djeluje u Zagrebu, a tijekom nekoliko godina svoj postojanja i glazbovanja održali su brojne koncerte u regiji, napravili dva EP izdanja, snimili pjesmu za Grlićev film Neka ostane među nama te su bili predgrupa Disciplini Kitschme. Trenutno pripremaju snimanje svog prvog albuma, kao i dvije veće turneje. Glazba koju izvodi Žen ima elemente post i math rocka, indie popa i krauta. Žen čine talentirane glazbenice Eva Badanjek (električna gitara, vokal), Sara Ercegović (bubnjevi, klavijature, vokal) i Ivona Ivković (bas gitara).

Dugoselska grupa Olovni ples nastala je 2007. godine, u ideji stvaranja vlastite glazbe spojene s postojećom poezijom. Polako, ali uporno, višegodišnjim je radom bend gradio svoju publiku, doslovno čovjeka po čovjeka. Pod utjecajem bluesa i poezije, stvorili su vlastiti vrlo originalni zvuk, koji je najbolje opisati kao poetski folk rock blues. U razdoblju od 2007. do 2011. godine Olovni ples je izdao 5 albuma za nezavisne izdavače Slušaj Najglasnije Zdenka Franjića i Brlog Records iz Zadra.

22 sata / predstava: I. Buljan: Ma and Al @dvorana SEK Teatra&TD

Predstava Ma and Al nastala je iz dijelova tekstova J. D. Salingera i Bernard-Marie Koltesa u kojima pasionirani čitatelj može prepoznati roditeljski par iz disfunkcionalne obitelji Glass.

Prostor izvedbe je organiziran kroz svjetlosne otoke, a Ma and Al (Senka Bulić i Marko Mandić) s vremena na vrijeme, osim što kroz predstavu mijenjaju uloge, uskaču i u ulogu gledatelja, promatrajući zajedno s ostatkom publike što radi onaj drugi te tako svjedoče odvijanju radnje, koja se pripovijeda u osnovnim crtama fabule.

22 -04h Glitch Hop Shop @ Klub SC

phillipe (CFSN / Beat Busters)

robert radamant (egoboobits / jamendo)

U posljednjih nekoliko godina dolazi do nagle popularizacije nekoć alternativnih elektroničkih glazbenih pravaca. Prouzrokovano stagnacijom i manjkom inovacija u polju kreativnog glazbenog stvaralaštva, došlo je do svojevrsnog zasićenja ljubitelja glazbe na struju. Dubstep je u tom smislu definitivno najbolji primjer. Do prije par godina gotovo nitko nije ni čuo za taj izraz, a danas je dubstep prisutan na većini redovnih klupskih programa. Takvi eventi su najčešće vrlo uspješni, a klubovi dupkom puni. Unatoč tome krećemo korak dalje kako bismo zagrebačkim clubberima predstavili još jedan, vrlo energičan i plesni, ali u nas još uvijek relativno nepoznat glazbeni stil pod imenom glitch hop.

23-04 h DJ program: plesaonica iznenađenja @ Caffe &TD


16. 12. / FRIDAY

3 pm-4:30 pm /Presentation: „Why bicycle and cycling etiquette” /lecture: “Climatic changes and bicycle” @ MM centar

Lecturers: Dario Polančec /Iris Jeričević


This presentation will show us the benefits of cycling, answer the question why use a bicycle as a transport vehicle, remind us of fondness we have for pedaling which is instilled in us from early childhood, it will also focus on how by riding a bicycle we can raise the quality of life, and it will show us that the bicycle, in a city like Zagreb, is a much better means of transport than a car. Second part of the lecture will concentrate on what we have to know in order to respect others in transport and how to be an example to others. Also, there will be talk about how to protect yourself from potentially dangerous situations.



5 pm -8 pm / Workshop of the physical interface Theremin and Teremidi @ MM centar


Theremin, (originally known as the aetherphone/etherophone, thereminophone or termenvox/thereminvox) is one of the earliest electronic instruments. Patented by the Russian Lev Sergeyevich Teremen in 1928, the significance of Theremin is in the fact that this is perhaps the only musical instrument played without touching. It is composed of two radio oscillators and two antennas. Theremin is played by the movement of musician's hands around two antennas in order to regulate the volume and pitch. Teremidi is an extended set which uses Arduino micro controller to connect Theremin to a computer or to an existing MIDI music instrument.


Workshop is opened to the newcomers and experts. Workshop is hosted by Borut Savski with the assistance of Robert Šebjanić and members of the Theremin Orchestra from Ljubljana.


5 pm- 6 pm/ On MM 3 / VHS VIDEO NIGHT /@ Arhiva MM centra


Remember VHS? Still keeping the VHS somewhere in your drawers? Have your own video? Or a favorite movie? Recorded TV show or children's play where you star? Or... who can remember what was on the TV program back in the days. If you have something like that on VHS tape and haven't watched in a long time, now is the chance! Project “On MM” invites you to the first VHS VIDEO NIGHT! Bring and share with us your favorite VHS tapes and tell us in a brief pre-screening introduction why is that tape the one you want to share and is that tape a work of art or not! Apply here: ommprojekt@gmail.com



5 pm -10 pm/ FASHION SALON @ foyer &TD

Set-up by: Ivana Biočina i Goran Jovanović

Fashion Salon is a two day event in which a dozen of most interesting young fashion designers from Croatia get the chance to present their work. Choose your favorite outfits and/or accessories and support our young designers.

7 pm / Book promotion: Anđelo Jurkas’ “Soundtrack to life” (“Soundtrack života”) @ Cafee &TD

Truly original and interesting book concept and above all fun and legible realization... Till now, in this flood of self-help literature, no one had ever been creative enough to offer us such original and fun concept of practical solutions to enhance our lives by linking popular culture to music. Hrvoje Marjanović, producer, columnist

7:30 pm /Film program: XX / presentation of young female directors @ MM centar

Program editor: Luka Kosmat

The program presents young Croatian female directors, among whom some of them already affirmed at domestic and international film festivals like Dalija Dozet, Neda Radić, Sonja Tarokić, Hana Jušić, Lucija Mrzljak, Antonija Putić and others. In film art as a dominantly male world, this phenomenon of talented female directors deserves a chance to preview their previous work. Although there is no stylistic and thematic link between the films, we can notice the intertwined problems of contemporary social situation in its wholeness – the position of women and the (in)ability of self-realization in a traditional environment, romantic relationships issues and the minority problems in the Croatian society.

Animated shorties:

“IV Towers” Tea Stražičić
“About a dream” “Birdie” Lucija Mrzljak

izbor iz radova Petra zlonoga

Short feature film:
“Winter food” Hana Jušić

“You whore” Sonja Tarokić

“Hotshots” S.Tarokić i H. Jušić

“Don't know how to kiss, don't know how to hate, you couldn't kill if you needed to”, “Rage eats your soul” Janja Pilić

“Stolen”,, “Momma” Ivana Škrabalo

„Us in the Sun“, „Room Service“ Neda Radić

8 pm / Play: Ana Catarina Vieira, Angelo Madureira: Oil @ &TD Velika

Performers: Jorge Correa Bethencourt, Vladimir Ježić, Marko Kalc, Tanja Kalčić, Martina Rukavina i Nives Soldičić / Music and sound:  Josip Maršić i Zoran Medved / Light designers: Juliana Augusta Vieira i Saša Fistrić / Costume designer: Jasna Bajlo / Design: André von Ah / Project idea: Zvonimir Dobrović, Velid Đekić i Davor Mišković / Production: Perforacije, Drugo more


In times of economic crisis such as this, where an end is seen only by brokers dealing with people's destinies and votes, and where we can't count on the help from the double bottom, economy is the second word by its importance. First word is, of course, even today, but in a rising panic, oil. Oil is a world topic, therefore the performance in co-production of Perforacije and the association Drugo More from Rijeka deserved such notorious name.  This project comes from the workshop of Brazilian choreographers Ana Catarina Viere and Angela Adureira and it is based on historical references, like almost forgotten story about Rijeka's oil refinery, through which they deal with issues of economics and ecology, often pointing out mere survival as their only border. Contextual immersion, on which this co-production insists, links experienced Brazilian artists with a group of five contemporary dancers from Rijeka.



9:30 pm /Concert: Žen & Olovni ples @ &TD mala


Music group Žen is a Zagreb based project, and during the several years of its existence and musicalia, they played numerous concerts in the region, made two EP releases, recorded a song for Grlić's film Just Between Us, and were the opening act for Disciplina Kitschme. Currently, they are preparing the recording of their first LP as well as two major music tours. Music performed by Žen has elements of post and math rock, indie pop and kraut. Žen is consisted of talented musicians Eva Badanjek (electric guitar, vocals), Sara Ercegović (drums, piano, vocals) and Ivona Ivković (bass guitar).


Music group from Dugo Selo (near Zagreb) named Olovni Ples formed in 2007. from the idea of creating group's own music which will later be merged with the existing poetry. Slowly but stubbornly, in few years’ time, the band's work created its audience seducing one man at a time. Influenced by blues and poetry, the group created its own original and recognizable sound, which is best to describe as poetical folk rock blues. In the period since 2007 to 2010 Olovni Ples has released five albums for independent labels Slušaj najglasnije owned by Zdenko Franjić and Brlog Records from Zadar.


10 pm / Play: I. Buljan: Ma and Al @dvorana SEK Teatra&TD


The play Ma and Al originated from text excerpts by J. D. Salinger and Bernard Marie Koltes where a passionate reader can recognize the dysfunctional parental duo from (Salinger's) Glass family. The performance place is constructed of light islands, where Ma and Al (Senka Bulić and Marko Mandić) from time to time switch their roles, becoming the spectators and watching with the rest of the audience what the other one is doing, witnessing the narrative development of the play, which is brought to us in few basic plot outlines.



22 -04h Glitch Hop Shop @ Klub SC

phillipe (CFSN / Beat Busters)

robert radamant (egoboobits / jamendo)


In the last few years, we are witnessing the popularization of once alternative electronic music genres. This popularization is caused by stagnation and lack of innovation in the field of creative music-making, music lovers felt some sort of “electric music” saturation. Dubstep is, in a sense, the best example. Until recently, almost no one had heard of the term, and today dubstep is present on most of the regular club programs. Such events are usually very successful, and clubs chock-full. Nevertheless, we are moving a step forward to show Zagreb's clubbers another, highly energetic and dancy, but in these areas relatively unknown musical style known as glitch hop.

23-04 h DJ program: dance surprise party @ Caffe &TD


***STALNI POSTAV / svaki dan

Tena Letica: CutItOut @Caffe &TD

"Cut It Out" je serija autorskih ilustracija rađena tehnikom papercuttinga. Riječ je o drevnoj kineskoj tehnici u kojoj se crtež prvo crta, a potom i reže iz papira pomoću skalpela ili škara. Rezanjem papira na ovaj način, ilustracije poprimaju teksturu čipke i izuzetno su fragilne. Sve ilustracije su ručno rezane, što ponekad zahtijeva i do 6 sati rada po ilustraciji. Također, posebna pozornost se posvećuje minucioznim detaljima, čime se povećava kompleksnost izrade pojedine ilustracije. Zbog izuzetno preciznog rada, ove ilustracije rade se u vrlo limitiranim serijama. Neke od ilustracija su tematski vezane za književni predložak, dok su neke rađene prema mašti autorice.

17-22 sata / Vile i vilenjaci Artusi @predvorje kina

Glavni cilj projekta  „Vile i vilenjaci Artusi“ je rad sa štićenicima Doma za djecu Vladimir Nazor u Karlovcu kroz fotografske radionice te druženje na izletima. Na profesionalnim fotografijama prikazani su dobri vilenjaci Artusi u prirodi. Vilenjaci su djeca iz Doma Vladimir Nazor u ambijentu prirodnih ljepota Hrvatske. Naša zemlja vrvi prekrasnim krajolicima koji su adekvatni duhovnoj ljepoti te djece. Kroz takav pristup, želja nam je da svako dijete ima svoju orginalnu scenografiju i svoj krajolik u kojem caruju ljepota i mašta, a sve kako bi im pokazali i dokazali koliko su posebni, originalni i jedinstveni. Fotografije su bajkovite, ali istovremeno je sve na njima stvarno, prirodno i bez naknadnih kompjutorskih efekata. Dugoročni cilj je fotografijama obuhvatiti što više djece iz domova i sve ljepote naše zemlje kao simbol duhovnih i prirodnih ljepota Hrvatske.

ONCE UPON A PRESENT// BILO JEDNOM U SADAŠNJOSTI Pogled na suvremenu umjetnost Rusije danas @ Galerija SC

Kustosi: Elena Yaichnikova i Slobodne veze
Umjetnici:Victor Alimpiev / Irina Korina / Sergey Sapozhnikov / The Factory of Found Clothes (FFC) / Arseniy Zhilyaev / ZAIBI group

Izložba Bilo jednom u sadašnjosti predstavlja izbor radova suvremenih ruskih umjetnika i ona  ne može pobjeći od etikete (jedno)nacionalne izložbe. Međutim, iako slijedi liniju nacionalne reprezentacije, ujedno naglašava antitezu tradicionalnoj proizvodnji slika prosperiteta i moći zemlje, koja se uglavnom ostvaruje mehanizmima nalik onima političke propagande ili oglašavanja. Nasuprot ideji prenaglašenog nacionalnog izlaganja, ova izložba nastoji ukazati na ono što ostaje u sjeni i nalazi se ispod površine. Namjera joj je dotaknuti prostor između, mjesto susreta proganjajućih sjećanja, invazivnih slika, pokušaja, neuspjeha, kolebanja, strahova, neostvarenih snova, fantazija, projekcija, nada i težnji za budućnost, svega onoga što čini stvarnost. (...)

Izložba Ba(n)dlands by Zvonimir Ferina @ Klub SC

Projekt Ba(n)dlands, nastao je iz autorova privatnog praćenja mladih i mlađih zagrebačkih bendova u njihovom "prirodnom" okruženju.

Prateći ih, kako na sceni tako i van scene, u prostorima u kojima vježbaju, rade i stvaraju svoju glazbu, Zvonimir Ferina slagao je jedinstvenu sliku njihovog života i energije koju ulažu ili ne ulažu u kreaciju glazbe. Fotografije su prezentirane u velikom formatu radi stvaranja atmosfere te će biti izložene u prostoru u kojem će ti bendovi svirati ili već jesu svirali. Želja fotografa je da energija glazbe, u kombinaciji s fotografijama, savršeno prenese atmosferu u kojoj su fotografije nastale...

17-18 sati/ projekcija TREE ONE MINUTES (Make a Forest) @ Caffe &TD

Tree One Minutes novi je projekt The One Minutes fondacije koji obilježava 2011. kao UN-ovu Međunarodnu godinu šuma.

Drveća povezuju svijet svojim listovima, granama i korijenjem. List po list i drvo po drvo, u različitim pejzažima i različitim zemljama, njihova ljepota i raznolikost dolaze do izražaja. Nakon otvorenog poziva objavljenog na stranicama TOM-a, žiri je izabrao 15 jednominutnih video radova iz raznih krajeva svijeta. Bit će to putovanje oko svijeta, počast, vizualna pjesma, za drveća i za nas.

(The One Minutes (TOM) svjetska je mreža za produkciju i distribuciju video umjetnosti u trajanju od točno 60 sekundi. TOM organizira izložbe, projekcije i radionice te djeluje kao čvorište, tj. kao posrednik između tvorca, scene i publike. Ima arhiv od 12,000 videa iz više od 120 zemalja. Mreža je ove godine pokrenula One Minutes series: mjesečnu, tematsku ediciju video arta dostupnu na DVD-u / 24 minute mjesečno /288 umjetničkih radova godišnje.www.theoneminutes.org

17-21 sat “Bicilizam je najbolji -izam”  @ predvorje menze

Autorica: Dolores Krile

Autorica će svojim crtežima objediniti sve ciljeve udruge i teme pisane u predvanjima. Prava bicklista, kulturu bicikliranja, kvalitetniji život biciklista, prednosti koje donosi vožnja na vlastiti pogon, unapređenje uvjeta za bicikliste, poboljšanja biciklističke infrastrukture te prevenciju od krađe bicikala. Konačni cilj je prikazati bicikle kao jedno od glavnih rješenja prometnih problema u gradu.


I'MM: Interaktivno drvo (Make a Forest)   @ atrij &TD

Ujedinjeni Narodi proglasili su 2011. godinu Međunarodnom godinom šuma. MAKE a FOREST kreativni je odgovor na potrebu održavanja i zaštite šuma i vrlo vidljiv način objašnjavanja te poticanja onoga za što se UN bori. Projekt potiče suvremene umjetnike i dizajnere iz cijeloga svijeta da stvaraju umjetna stabla koja će djelovati kao manifest za održavanje zemljinih blaga. MAF je međukulturalni i suradnički globalni projekt koji uključuje 35 gradova, a ima za cilj podizanje održive razine svijesti i kreativnosti zajedno, na nikad prije viđen način. Od Amsterdama do Seula, Zagreba do Taipeia, Toronta do Santa Cruz de la Sierre i u mnogo gradova između, u 2011. godini kulturne će institucije iz cijeloga svijeta zajedno s umjetnicima, dizajnerima, studentima i drugim kreativcima stvarati umjetna stabla. Svako stablo dodat će se umjetnoj šumi rasprostranjenoj diljem svijeta koja će rasti nawww.makeaforest.org.

Zagrebački postav priprema novosnovani medijski lab I'MM.

12-20 sati / Izložba “O MM 3/3” @ foyer MM centra

Završna izložba projekta O MM u 2011 godini. Kompilacija radova s radionice, umjetničkog istraživanja te druženja s voditeljicom projekta i paticipantima projekta u foyeru, knjižnici i arhivu MM centra!  SUDJELUJU: Branka Valjin, Nikolina Butorac, Leila Filipović i Ivan Tolić, Božica Papeš- Mokoš, Nives Sertić

12-20 sati / O MM 3/3 / Alma Selmnović / Soundmill : instalacija u javnom prostoru-pješački most na Savi @ foyer MM centra

Pjesački most preko Save zaboravljena je veza dviju strana rijeka, dok rijeka ljudi koja preko njega svakodnevno prelazi, nesvjesna vizure koja ih okružuje, tvore od njega pokretnu traku, komad ceste. Felge od bicikla prićvršćene na ogradu mosta, okretanjem uz pomoć vjetra ili ruke prolaznika tvore meditativni zvuk koji će pretvoriti prijelaz u  mjesto zadržavanja i time ukazati na potrebe oživljavanja takvih ambijenata te potaknuti njihovu obnovu za nove mogućnosti izražavanja na javnim mjestima.

16.-18.12. /Umbrella man @ foyer &TD

Ima mnogo priča o nepoznatim herojima i neobičnim pothvatima,ovo je jedna od njih - o čovjeku koji je skupljao, liječio i njegovao napuštene kišobrane s ulice



Tena Letica: CutItOut @ Caffe &TD


Cut It Out is a series of illustrations done in the technique of papercutting. It is an ancient Chinese technique where first comes the drawing followed by cutting out the drawing from the paper with the usage of the scalpel or the scissors. Cutting the paper in this technique makes illustration lacey and fragile. Every illustration is cut by hand, and sometimes it takes 6 hours of work per illustration. Also, special attention is pointed in the direction of minor details which influences the complexity of the creation of the illustration. This work is extremely precise; therefore these illustrations are done in limited series. Some of these illustrations are thematically related to the literary templates while some are done by the author’s imagination.


5 pm-10 pm / Fairies and Elves Artus’ @ predvorje kina


The main goal of the project „Fairies and Elves Artus'“ is to work with the children of the Vladimir Nazor Home for Children in Karlovac through photography workshops and fieldtrip excursions. In the professional photographs we can see good elves Artus' in the nature. Elves are the children from the Vladimir Nazor Home in the environment of natural beauties of Croatia. Our country is built out of those beautiful sceneries that are compatible to the spiritual beauty of the children. Using that approach, it is our goal to show that every child has his own scenography and his own landscape (scenery) in which reigns only beauty and imagination, all to show and prove to them how very special they are, original and unique. Those photographs are phantasmagoric, whilst everything captured in them is real, natural, with no additional technological brushing. The long term goal is to capture as many photographs of the children from the Homes and all the beauties of our country as the symbol of the spiritual and the natural beauties of Croatia.


ONCE UPON A PRESENT// The View of Contemporary Russian art today @ Galerija SC

Currators: Elena Yaichnikova and Slobodne veze

Artist:Victor Alimpiev / Irina Korina / Sergey Sapozhnikov / The Factory of Found Clothes (FFC) / Arseniy Zhilyaev / ZAIBI group


The exhibition Once Upon a Present presents a selection of works of contemporary Russian artists, and this exhibition cannot further itself from the label of (uni)national exhibition. Although it follows the line of the national (re)presentation, the strong emphasis is on the antithesis of the traditional production of the paintings and the prosperity and the power of the country, usually established by the mechanisms much alike those of political propaganda and advertising.  In contrast to the idea of empathetic national exhibition, this exhibition is trying to point out in the direction of things that stay in the shadow and below the surface. The main intention is to touch the space in between, the meeting point of the haunting memories, intrusive images, efforts, failures, doubts, fears and unrealized dreams, phantasies, projections, hopes and aspirations, everything that reality is made of.


Project/Exhibition Ba(n)dlands by Zvonimir Ferina @ Klub SC


Project Ba(n)dlands, originated from the author's private pursue of youngsters and young music groups from Zagreb in their “natural” environment.

Following them, both on stage and off stage, in the places where they rehearse, work and create their music, Zvonimir Ferina puzzled up a unique image of their life and energy invested (or not) in the creation of music. Photographs are presented in large-format in order to create certain atmosphere, and they will be exhibited in a place these bands are playing or already have played. The desire of photographer is that the energy of music, combined with these photographs, perfectly transcends the atmosphere of their creation.

5 pm-6 pm/ projection TREE ONE MINUTES (Make a Forest) @ Caffe &TD


Three One Minutes is the new project of The One Minutes foundation which celebrates the year 2011 as UN's International Year of Forests.

Trees connect the world with their leaves, branches and roots. Leave by leave and tree by tree, in different landscapes and different countries, their beauty and diversity is highlighted. After an open call published on the website TOM, the jury chose 15 one-minute videos from all over the world. This will be a journey around the world, a tribute, visual poem for trees and for all of us.

The One Minutes (TOM) is a worldwide network based on the production and the distribution of the 60 second video art format. TOM organizes exhibitions, screenings and workshops, and stands as a peer, or as an intermediary between the creator and the scene, the audience. It has an archive of 12.000 articles from more than 120 countries. This year, the network launched The One Minutes series: monthly themed edition of the video art available on DVD / 24 minutes per month / 288 works of art annually. www.theoneminutes.org

5 pm-9 pm “Bicyclism is the best -ism”  @ predvorje menze

Author: Dolores Krile


The author will use her drawings to unify the goals and the themes of the association issued in the lectures. The rights of the cyclists, the culture of cycling, the quality of cyclists’ lives, the benefits brought by riding on the stem of their own, there will be talk on the improvements of the cycling conditions and the infrastructure for cyclists, and a word or two on how to prevent the theft of bicycles. The main goal is to demonstrate the bicycle as one of the arterial solutions in city-traffic problems.

I’MM: Interactive tree (Make a Forest) @ atrij &TD

The United Nations declared the year of 2011 the International Year of Forests. MAKE a FOREST is a creative response to the need of maintenance and protection of the forests and a highly visible way of explaining and enticing (promoting) of what the UN struggle is for. The project encourages contemporary artists and designers from all over the world to create artificial trees which will stand as a manifesto for preservation of earth's capital (treasure, wealth). MAF is a multicultural and collaborative global project which includes 35 cities, and its goal is to raise the sustainable level of consciousness and creativity together, in a way never seen before. From Amsterdam to Seoul, Taipei and Zagreb, Toronto and Santa Cruz de la Sierra, including numerous cities in between, in year 2011 cultural institutions throughout the world will, in collaboration with artists, designers, students and other creative people, put their creative efforts into making artificial trees. Every tree will be added to the artificial forest distributed throughout the world which will fully develop on www.makeaforest.org.


12 pm-8 pm / Exhibition “O MM 3/3” @ foyer MM centar


The final exhibition project “O MM” in 2011. It is a compilation of works from the workshop and the artistic research; the project chief and the participants of the project will be present at the time of the exhibition in the role of hosts, they will stay in the foyer, the library and the archive of MM Centre. PARTICIPANTS: Branka Valjin, Nikolina Butorac, Leila Filipović i Ivan Tolić, Božica Papeš-Mokoš, Nives Sertić.




12 pm-8 pm / O MM 3/3 / Alma Selmnović / Soundmill : public place installment-pedestrian bridge over the river  Sava @ foyer MM centra

Pedestrian bridge over the river Sava is a long forgotten connection between two sides of the river, whilst a river of people crosses it daily; unaware of the scenery that surrounds them. Those two sides constitute the bridge as an assembly line, a piece of road. Bike rims chained to the bridge's fence, set in motion by wind or hands of pedestrians create meditative sound which will cause the metamorphosis of the bridge making it a place of lingering, signifying the need of animating that kind of ambient and encouraging their renovation (life extension) in order to use them for the future public place installments.

16.-18.12. /Umbrella man @ foyer &TD

There are many stories of unknown heroes and strange adventures, this is one of them - about a man, who collected, medicated and tended abandoned umbrellas found in the street.