Plaćanje stanarine on-line putem

Boravak u studentskome domu

Poštovani budući stanari studentskih domova,

Za boravak u studentskome domu potrebno je ispuniti slijedeće kriterije:

1. Potrebno je obaviti liječnički pregled za smještaj u studentski dom. Isti se provodi se u svrhu utvrđivanja zdravstvenih rizika za boravak u kolektivu. Sastoji se od anamneze i ciljanog pregleda te po potrebi dodatnih pretraga čiju indikaciju utvrđuje liječnik. Studenti viših godina koji su ostvarili pravo na smještaj u studentski dom u akademskoj godini 2022./2023. liječnički pregled mogu obaviti u nadležnim ambulantama školske i adolescentne medicine prema priloženom popisu. Brucoši obavljaju pregled kod nadležnog školskog liječnika srednje škole koju su završili. Molimo studente da se na pregled u ambulantu naruče telefonski.

2. Sukladno odluci Uprave za visoko obrazovanje MZO-a, nije dozvoljeno korištenje studentskog doma za samoizolaciju.

3. Boravak u studentskom domu mora biti sukladan propisanim preventivnim mjerama zaštite od COVIDa-19.

- - - - OBNOVA DOMOVA - - - -

Rekonstrukcija građevina, infrastrukture i okoliša unutar studentskih naselja Stjepan Radić i Cvjetno naselje (x)




Mrs. Petra Šarenić
Independent Officer for the Accommodation of Students in International Exchange
The University of Zagreb Student Centre

Savska cesta 25, Zagreb, 10 000, Croatia
Phone: +385-1-4593-582

Zadnja izmjena: 10. Prosinac 2019. u 13:14

General informations

Availability of dormitory rooms

Unfortunately, due to lack of housing capacity student dormitory accommodation is not available to all students (neither for all Croatian nationals nor all international students). International students do not automatically receive student dormitory accommodation and they have to contact the International Cooperation Office at the higher education institution they are applying to in order to try and ensure housing.

The University of Zagreb Student Centre (Studentski centar u Zagrebu) is the institution that manage all student dormitories according to a system of quotas for available spaces. It is the responsibility of the higher education institution to contact the Student Centre and recommend an international student. In case there are rooms available for the period of student's stay, the international student can get a room in the dormitory.

At the moment, only international students who come to study in Croatia as part of an official exchange programme (ERASMUS, CEEPUS or bilateral programmes of the Ministry of Science, Education, Sports and the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes...) can apply for student dormitory accommodation. The Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes arranges housing for their bilateral programmes and CEEPUS students. Higher education institutions are in charge of helping ERASMUS students with accommodation, however they are not guaranteed a place in a student dormitory. Other international students need to provide for housing themselves.

Rooms, facilities and prices

Rooms in student dormitories are usually shared between two people and bathrooms are shared with one or more other students or rooms.

Student dormitories contain restaurants, student cafeterias, gyms and many others additional social activities.

The cost of student dormitory accommodation varies but in each case it is the most affordable accommodation option. Prospective students should contact the International Cooperation Office at the higher education institution they interest for more information.


Zadnja izmjena: 21. Travanj 2016. u 13:33

Dormitory rules

Zadnja izmjena: 14. Listopad 2020. u 15:21