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About Student centre Zagreb
Student Centre Zagreb was founded in 1957 and now is a multi-functional space in the heart of the city. SC works on improving student living standard on all levels and in cultural activities, through its Department of culture - it organises and produces shows, performances, conferences and workshops in the fields of music, film, visual arts, theatre. The main goal of SC is to create innovative, economic and educational frameworks of cultural production in order to influence cultural practices in Croatia and internationally. Theatre production is manifested in SC’s own theatre - Teatar &TD, founded in the 1960’s, as the opposition to the classical theatres. &TD is not limited by genres and stylistic criteria, which opens up the possibility of establishing new production aesthetics and contemporary forms of co-production, post production and collaboration.
Zadnja izmjena: 18. Siječanj 2022. u 13:10
Kultura promjene
MBZ/Ansambl Icarus – Giorgio Batistelli: Balzamar
9. Travanj 2013.
Utorak u 21:30
Teatar &TD - Velika — 50/25kn studenti
Utorak u 21:30
Teatar &TD - Velika — 50/25kn studenti
06 -13. travnja 2013. Muzički biennale Zagreb
Svakog travnja neparnih godina Zagreb postaje centar Nove glazbe kojem gravitiraju skladatelji, glazbenici, glazbeni kritičari te ljubitelji suvremene glazbe šire regije i Europe. Tada se održava međunarodni festival suvremene glazbe - Muzički biennale
27. izdanje MBZ-a donosi 31 koncert i 2 izložbe. Na programu su novi baleti mladih hrvatskih i slovenskih skladatelja i koreografa, uprizorenje „Posvećenja proljeća“ Igora Stravinskog, glazbeni teatar, opere i simfonijski orkestri, „Pierrot Lunaire“ A. Schönberga i Boulezov „Čekić bez gospodara“, avangardni jazz kvartet Damas iz Poljske i pijanistički duo Bojana Z. i Matije Dedića, udaraljkaški ansambli Slagwerk den Haag i biNg bang, najbolja hrvatska i međunarodna izvođačka imena - Petrit Çeku, Katarina Krpan, I.M.Klif, Rene Medvešek, Staša Zurovac, Monika Leskovar i mnogi drugi.
Više informacija i cijeli program potražite na www.mbz.hr ili na mbz@hds.hr, a o programima koji će se održati u Studentskom centru na www.sczg.unizg.hr
09.04. /MBZ/ 21.30 sati: Ansambl Icarus – Giorgio Batistelli: Balzamar @ velika dvorana Teatra &TD, 50/25kn
L’imbalsamatore / Balzamar / The Embalmer
Giorgio Battistelli, skladatelj / composer
Renzo Rosso, libretist / author of the libretto
Icarus, komorni ansambl / chamber ensemble
Marco Angius, dirigent / conductor
Riccardo Massai, glumac / actor
Mirco Ghirardini – klarineti / clarinets
Franco Fusi – fagoti / bassoons
Dimer Maccaferri – rog / French Horn
Andrea Landi, Deborah Walker, Andrea Cavuoto – violončela / cellos
Amerigo Bernardi, Marco Forti, Daniele Rosi – kontrabasi / double basses
Fabio Codeluppi – truba / trumpet
Valentino Spaggiari – trombon / trombone
Gianluiigi Paganelli - tuba
Simone Beneventi – udaraljke / percussion
Marco Pedrazzini - klavijature / keyboards
Giorgio Battistelli (Albano Laziale, 1953.) diplomirao je kompoziciju na Konzervatoriju L’Aquila. U to je vrijeme pohađao i seminare Karlheinza Stockhausena i Mauricija Kagela u Kölnu. U Parizu je 1978./1979. slušao predavanja Jeana Pierrea Doueta i Gastona Sylvestrea o glazbenom teatru te je 1981., kad je napisao Experimentum Mundi, započeo razdoblje intenzivnog pisanja za glazbeni teatar. Njegova su djela izvođena na manifestacijama i u dvoranama kao što su Festival d’Automne u Centre Pompidou u Parizu, festivali u Salisburgu i Luzernu, Biennale u Münchenu i Berlinu, Accademia Santa Cecilia u Rimu, milanska Scala, Teatro Communale u Firenzi te u opernim kućama diljem Europe te u Australiji, Japanu, SAD-u i Kini. Izvedbama njegove glazbe dirigirali su, primjerice Riccardo Muti, Antonio Pappano, Lorin Maazel, Daniele Gatti, Daniel Harding, Ádám Fischer, Jukka-Pekka Saraste, Myung Whun Chung, Susanna Mälkki i Zoltán Peskó, a surađivao je i s brojnim režiserima, među kojima su Robert Carsen, Luca Ronconi, Georges Lavaudant, Mario Martone, Michael Londsdale, David Pountney, Daniele Abbado, sa skupinama La Fura dels Baus i Studio Azzurro i s izvođačima kao što su Toni Servillo, Bruno Ganz, Ian Mc Diarmid, Philippe Leroy, Moni Ovadia i Vladimir Luxuria. Battistelli je dobitnik titule francuskog Viteza za postignuća u umjetnosti i književnosti. Bio je rezidentnim skladateljem u Antverpenskoj operi i Njemačkoj operi u Düsseldorfu, a sada je rezidentni u Kazalištu San Carlo u Napulju. Mnoga je iskustva skupio kao umjetnički ravnatelj Orkestra Toscana (kamo se vratio 2011.) te radeći za Venecijanski biennale, Koncertno društva Aquile, Zakladu veronske Arene i Cantiere d'Arte iz Montepulicana. Predavao je na centru Aldeburgh Music, a od prošle godine predaje „Progetto Opera“ na Akademiji Chigiana u Sienni. Operna kuća La Scala od Battistellija je naručila operu An Inconvenient Truth, na tekst Ala Gorea, za otvorenje izložbe EXPO 2015.
Giorgio Battistelli (Albano Laziale, 1953) studied composition at the Conservatory of L’Aquila where he received his diploma in 1978. At the same time he attended seminars given by Karlheinz Stockhausen and Mauricio Kagel in Cologne. In 1978-1979 he took courses in contemporary music theatre taught by Jean Pierre Drouet and Gaston Sylvestre in Paris. In 1981, the year he wrote, he began an intense period of composing for music theatre. His works have been performed at the at the Centre Pompidou in Paris, the Salisburg and Lucerne Festivals, the Biennale and Gasteig in Munich, the Berlin Biennale, the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia in Rome, La Scala in Milan, the Teatro dell’Opera in Rome, the Teatro Comunale in Florence, and opera houses around Europe and in Australia, Japan, USA, China etc. His music has been performed by conductors such as Riccardo Muti, Antonio Pappano, Lorin Maazel, Daniele Gatti, Daniel Harding, Ádám Fischer, Jukka-Pekka Saraste, MyungWhun Chung, Susanna Mälkki, and Zoltán Peskó. He has collaborated with directors Robert Carsen, Luca Ronconi, Georges Lavaudant, Mario Martone, Michael Londsdale, David Pountney, Daniele Abbado, Fura dels Baus, and Studio Azzurro, and with artists such as Toni Servillo, Bruno Ganz, Ian Mc Diarmid, Philippe Leroy, Moni Ovadia, and Vladimir Luxuria. Conferred with the title Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by the French Ministry of Culture, he has been Composer-in-residence at the Antwerp Opera and the Deutsche Opera am Rhein in Düsseldorf and is currently in residence at the Teatro San Carlo in Naples. He has garnered much experience as an Artistic Director with the Orchestra della Toscana (where he returned in 2011), the Venice Biennale, the Società Aquilana dei Concerti, the Accademia Filarmonica Romana, the Fondazione Arena di Verona, and the Cantiere d'Arte di Montepulciano. He taught at Aldeburgh Music and as of this year will teach the course “Progetto Opera” at the Accademia Chigiana in Siena. For the inauguration of the 2015 Expo in Milan he was commissioned by La Scala to write the opera, An Inconvenient Truth, based on the text by Al Gore.
Ansambl Icarus osnovan je 1994. godine. Ansambl međunarodne razine predstavio se na četiri kontinenta: u Europi (osim u Italiji, nastupao je u Nizozemskoj, Belgiji, Engleskoj, Švicarskoj, Hrvatskoj, Francuskoj, Njemačkoj, Azerbajdžanu, Irskoj, Litvi, Rumunjskoj, Moldaviji, na Malti), u Amerikama (u Meksiku, Argentini, Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama), u Africi (Egipat), te u Aziji (Japan, Tajland). Trenutno sjedište ansambla je u Teatro di Reggio Emilia u Italiji. Od značajnijih suradnji treba spomenuti one s režiserima kao što su Yoshi Oida, Daniele Abbado, Franco Ripa di Meana, Christian Boltanski, Francesco Micheli, Lorenzo Mijares, zatim sa studijima Agon, Fabrica, Otolab, s Lucom Scarzellom, Robertom Pacijem Dalòom, s glumcima kao što su primjerice John De Leo, Michele De Marchi, Ivana Monti. Posljednje produkcije ansambla uključivale su predstavnike međunarodne elektroničke i post tehno scene kao što su Staalplaat Soundsystem (Nizozemska), Pan Sonic (Finska), Andi Toma iz Mouse on Mars(Njemačka). Ansamblom su kao gosti dirigirali Giorgio Bernasconi, Franco Fusi, Erasmo Gaudiomonte, Giovanni Landini, Andrea Molino, Renato Rivolta, Saša Britvić, Flavio Emilio Scogna, Yoichi Sujiama, Juan Trigos, Pierre André Valade, Pierangelo Valtinoni, Jonathan Webb. Icarus je u posebnim projektima surađivao i s ansamblima kao što su Alter Ego, Neuevocalsolisten (Njemačka) te Cantus ansambl (Hrvatska). Godine 2012. završen je europski projekt u suradnji s festivalom u Huddersfieldu, s Nieuw Ensembleom iz Amsterdama, te s Ensembleom 10/10 iz Liverpoola. Ansambl je važan i zbog pozornosti koju poklanja mladima što je posebno naglašeno stvaranjem ansambla Icarus Junior (prisutnog u Italiji, SAD-u, Hrvatskoj, Egiptu, Francuskoj) i Icarus vs Muzak, kvarteta mladih udaraljkaša. Redoviti su gosti radijskih prijenosa na RAI-u, a njihove su koncerte prenosile nacionalne televizije Japana, Meksika, Argentine, Nizozemske, Francuske, Švicarske, Rumunjske i Azerbajdžana. Snimali su za Ricordi,Stradivarius, Bottega Discantica, Sincronie, Ariston, Spaziomusica, Angelica.
The Icarus Ensemble was founded in 1994. This internationally acclaimed ensemble has perdormed in four continents: In Europe (Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, England, Switzerland, Croatia, France, Germany, Azerbaijan, Ireland, Lithuania, Romani, Moldavia, Malta), the Americas (Mexico, Argentina, USA), Africa (Egypt) and Asia (Japan, Thailand, Indonesia. The ensemble is (currently) based out of the Teatro di Reggio Emilia, Italy.In Italy, the ensemble has performed for nearly all the most important institutions and festivals.
The artistic collaborations of greater importance are among these, work with director Yoshi Oida, Daniele Abbado, Franco Ripa di Meana, Christian Boltanski, Francesco Micheli, Lorenzo Mijares, with the Agon Studies, with Fabrica , Otolab, Luca Scarzella Roberto Paci Dalo, with the actors John DeLeo, Michele DeMarchi and Ivana Monti. The latest productions have included interpreters from the international electronic and post-techno arena such as Staalplaat Soundsystem, (Holland), Pan Sonic (Finland), Matmos (USA), Andi Toma of "Mouse on Mars"(Germany). Among the conductors the ensemble has hosted are are the likes of Giorgio Bernasconi, Pietro Borgonovo, Erasmo Gaudiomonte, Giovanni Landini, Andrea Molino, Renato Rivolta, Saša Britvić, Flavio Emilio Scogna, Yoichi Sujiama, Juan Trigos, Pierre Andre Valade, Pierangelo Valtinoni and Jonathan Webb. Icarus has often joined in special collaborative projects with other ensembles such as Alter Ego, Neuvocalsolisten (Germany) and Cantus (Croatia), Coro Claudio Merulo. The ensemble is regularly a guest of RAI radio programs and its concerts have been broadcast by Japanese, Mexican, Argentinian, Dutch, French, Swiss, Romanian and Azerbaigianian national television stations. The ensemble has recorded for major recording companies such as Ricordi, Stradivarius, Bottega Discantica, Sincronie, Ariston and Spaziomusica, Angelica.
Marco Angius dirigirao je komornim orkestrom L’Ensemble Intercontemporain, Tokijskim filharmonijskim orkestrom, Nacionalnim simfonijskim orkestrom Talijanske radiotelevizije (RAI) u Torinu, Orkestrom umjetničkog festivala Maggio Musicale Fiorentino izvedbama kazališta Teatro Comunale u Bologni, Simfonijskim orkestrom „Giuseppe Verdi“ u Milanu, Orkestrom Talijanske Švicarske, Komornim orkestrom Lausanne, Orkestrom u Toskani, Simfonijskim orkestrom Lecce, orkestrom I Pomeriggi Musicali u Milanu, Luksemburškom filharmonijom, kao i izvedbama koncertne dvorane Muziekgebouw/Bimhuis u Amsterdamu, izvedbama kulturnog centra La Filature u Mulhouseu te izvedbama operne kuće Teatro Lirico u Cagliariju. Gostovao je na brojnim europskim glazbenim festivalima.
Bio je asistent Antonija Pappana u izvedbi i snimanju Rossinijeve opere Guillaume Tell (EMI, 2011.). Godine 2002. godine osnovao je ansambl Algoritmo, s kojim je osvojio nagradu Premio del Disco Amadeus 2007. zaMixtim Ivana Fedelea. S ansamblom je snimio brojne izvedbe, među kojima Luci mie traditrici Salvatorea Sciarrina (za etikete Euroarts i Stradivarius). S Nacionalnim simfonijskim orkestrom Talijanske radiotelevizijesnimio je sve skladbe za violinu i orkestar Ivana Fedelea, a s gudačkim kvartetom Prometeo integralnu verziju serije skladbi Imaginary Landscapes Johna Cagea.
Marco Angius autor je monografije o djelima Salvatorea Sciarrina (Come avvicinare il silenzio) i knjige Ali di Cantor o glazbi Ivana Fedelea, kao i brojnih tekstova o suvremenoj glazbi prevedenih na razne jezike.Recentne produkcije kojima je ravnao uključuju djela Jakob Lenz Wolfganga Rihma, Doživljaji lukave lije Leoša Janáčeka, L’Italia del destino Luce Mosce te intenzivnu koncertnu aktivnost s Komornim orkestrom milanske Scale, mladim sastavom s kojim surađuje od 2011. kao umjetnički ravnatelj.
Marco Angius has conducted various ensembles and orchestras, such as Ensemble Intercontemporain, Tokyo Philharmonics, Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale della RAI, Orchestra del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, Teatro Comunale of Bologna, Orchestra Sinfonica Giuseppe Verdi of Milano, Orchestra della Svizzera Italiana, Orchestre de Chambre de Lausanne, I Pomeriggi Musicali, and the Luxembourg Philmarmonics, as well as performances in Muziekgebouw/Bimhuis in Amsterdam, Filature of Mulhouse, Teatro Lirico of Cagliari. He has performed at a number of European music festivals.
Angius was Antonio Pappano assistant for Rossini’s Guillaume Tell (EMI, 2011). In 2002 he founded the ensemble Algoritmo (Amadeus Prize 2007 for the best recording of the year, for Mixtim by Ivan Fedele publishedby Stradivarius). They have made several other recordings, for example, Sciarrino’s Luci mie traditrici for Euroarts and Stradivarius. With the RAI National Orchestra he recorded all the works for violin and orchestra by Ivan Fedele, and with the Prometeo String Quartet the integral version of Imaginary Landscapes by John Cage.
Marco Angius is the author of Come avvicinare il silenzio, a book about Salvatore Sciarrino's compositions, Ali di Cantor, about the music of Ivan Fedele. He also wrote a number of widely translated articles on contemporary music. He recently conducted Jakob Lenz by Wolfgang Rihm, Cunning Little Vixen by Janáček and L’Italia del destino by Luca Mosca. He has also been conducting the concerts of the Chamber Orchestra of La Scala, whose artistic director he became in 2011.